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Necrons Illuminor Szeras

Necrons Illuminor Szeras

Regular price £31.50 GBP
Regular price £35.00 GBP Sale price £31.50 GBP
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Illuminor Szeras labours to unravel the mysteries of life, for he fears that he would be a poor sort of god without the secrets of life at his fingertips. Szeras has been on the brink of understanding for many centuries, yet somehow final comprehension always escapes him. Though this is his obsession, his aptitude for augmenting the weaponry and even the mechanical bodies of his fellow Necrons is peerless. On occasion, Szeras' talents are in such demand that he can name his own price – invariably a harvesting raid targeted against a world of his choosing. Above all, Szeras cherishes Aeldari subjects, as they inevitably produce more intriguing results than any other of the galaxy's creatures.

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