Book Club Book Subscription
Book Club Book Subscription
Ever thought about joining a book club but aren't sure if you have the time to commit to one? Our Book Club Subscription service lets you sample what it is like with a variety of packages to choose from. We currently have 8 different book clubs at the Bookhouse which choose a new book to read each month - let them choose your next reads with our new subscription service!
You can choose which club to join as well as subscription length as a one off payment (1, 3, 6, 9 or 12 months) or you can choose a rolling subscription so a new order will be placed each month. You will be sent the new book for that month, as soon as we have it available for that group.
Pop over to our "Book Club Picks" page to see what they are currently reading just now
We can ship these books anywhere within mainland UK but unfortunately we cannot currently send this elsewhere.