About us

Our bookshop, founded in 2017, stocks a wide range of children and adult titles, from classic literature to contemporary bestsellers. We believe that everyone should have access to books that ignite their passion for reading.

One of our family is always on hand to help you find your next favourite read. We listen to your preferences and recommend books that match your interests. We also host events that bring authors and readers together.

Our events calendar includes book signings, readings, and discussions, which provide a platform for readers to engage with their favourite authors and discover new ones.

Our online store makes it easy for you to order your favourite titles and have them delivered straight to your doorstep. We also offer a book subscription service that delivers a carefully chosen book, along with an assortment of goodies, to your door every month. 

The Bookhouse is more than just a place to buy books - it's a community of book lovers who are passionate about sharing their love of reading with others. We invite you to come and explore our shelves, attend our events, and discover the joy of reading.

So why not stop by The Bookhouse today and find your next great read? We can't wait to meet you! You can find us at the address below!