Book Club 7 meeting 23/04/20

Book Club 7 meeting 23/04/20

Book Club 7 signed in for their first virtual meeting on 23rd April. Unfortunately, only three members were able to make it on the night. We discussed ‘How long ‘til black future month’ by N.K. Jemsin and ‘The Immortalists’ by Chloe Benjamin. Two members had read each so sadly discussion was quite short on both books. Sarah who picked ‘How long ‘til black future month’ did so because she had very much enjoyed the writer’s earlier novel and thought that it would be interesting to read her collection of short stories. Anthologies can always be a challenge in book clubs used to reading fuller novels.The two who had read the book felt on reflection that, although they enjoyed individual stories, it can be difficult to get into a collection of 22 stories as you don’t get the same depth of characterisation as you would in a full-length novel. The scores were 5/5 and 2/5, giving an average of 3.5/5.

How would you live your life if you knew the date of your death? The Immortalists has been read by a number of our book clubs over the last couple of years and has been well received due to its unusual premise and different characters. The two members of Book Club 7 who had read it, or were reading it, found it enjoyable but perhaps not one that would stick in their minds at this time. It scored 3 and 4 out of 5.

Thanks so much to everyone who managed to take part and thank you all for your continuing support to the Bookhouse. Keep Well. Keep safe. Keep reading. See you all again soon. Any questions about accessing the virtual book clubs or any other query please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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